Security & Compliance

Security Update

Product Support Policy Overview

We do our best to provide continuous security updates for our smart hardware products. Our security updates encompass the latest patches, fixes for security issues, and other security improvements. We will maintain these updates for a minimum of two years from the launch date of specific device models.

Our security updates extend to product hardware (firmware), pre-installed software, software integral to product functionality, and external control software. For select models, we may extend support for security updates beyond the standard two-year period, based on prevailing circumstances. Additionally, in the event of a critical security vulnerability, we will provide necessary fixes even if your device appears on the End of Life (EOL) and not maintained products list.

To assist you in understanding whether your device remains eligible for security updates, we regularly publish and update a list of products reaching the end of software support on this page.

Security Updates

Product Update until
C313 2025/12/31
C315 2025/12/31
C316 2025/12/31
C319 2025/12/31
S560 2025/12/31
S562 2025/12/31
S563 2025/12/31
S565 2025/12/31
S567 2025/12/31
IT88 2025/12/31
X933 2025/12/31
DB01 2025/12/31
E11 2025/12/31
E12 2025/12/31
E20 2025/12/31
Product Update until
E21 2025/12/31
E16 2025/12/31
E18 2025/12/31
A01 2025/12/31
A02 2025/12/31
A03 2025/12/31
A05 2025/12/31
A08 2025/12/31
A094 2025/12/31
R20A 2025/12/31
R20B 2025/12/31
R20A-2 2025/12/31
R20K-2 2025/12/31
R27 2025/12/31
Product Update until
R28 2025/12/31
R29 2025/12/31
S532 2025/12/31
S539 2025/12/31
X912 2025/12/31
X915 2025/12/31
X916 2025/12/31

EOL Product List

Below is a list of our End of Life (EOL) products. Unless otherwise indicated with maintenance deadlines, these products will no longer receive updates. This entails the cessation of all software or firmware updates, including security updates, and we may no longer address security vulnerability reports for these products.

EOL Product List (Under Maintenance)

Door Phone

Product Updates Until
R20A-2 v1.0 2024/6
R20K-2 v1.0 2024/12

Indoor Monitor

Product Updates Until
IT83 2026/6

EOL Product List (No Maintenance)

Door Phone

R20A v1.0 R20A v2.0 R20A v3.0 R20K v1.0 R20K v2.0
R20B v1.0 E10R E10S E12S v1.0 E12W v1.0
E16C v1.0 E16S v1.0 E21A v1.0 E21A v2.0 E21V v1.0
E21V v2.0 R26B v1.0 R26C v1.0 R26P v1.0 R23C v1.0
R23P v1.0 R27A v1.0 R29F

Indoor Monitor

IT80 IT81 C312 C317 C313V1

Access Control
